【Azure Go to Market Place 相關資訊】

l 關於【Azure Go to Market Place 相關資訊】,請您先參考

Azure Marketplace 常見問題集  Microsoft Docs




l Azure Marketplace 中有哪些國家/地區可讓發行者銷售產品?

A: 目前沒有台灣


l Microsoft Go-To-Market Services


l Azure Marketplace 和 AppSource 發行指南  Microsoft Docs



l Nominate







Guidelines for creating a Microsoft ID to Manage an Azure Marketplace Account

Guidance for Microsoft IDs in AAD Federated Domain

Instructions in how to register in the Development Center


l Product Selection  New Support Request  Microsoft Support



l Cloud Partner Portal


l Go-To-Market 提名表格


這些 Go-To-Market (GTM) Services 已包含在 Microsoft Partner Network 計畫中。無論您是網絡成員還是自 2018 年 11 月 12 日以來已獲得專長認證,都可以使用 GTM Services 來執行 – 立即利用這些服務!

GTM Services 可協助您:


刺激需求。透過 Microsoft 賣家網絡研討會向 Microsoft 現場銷售團隊推銷您的解決方案,改善您的共同銷售和直銷能力,並利用聯合品牌登陸頁面和經營電子郵件樣本產生合格的潛在客戶,並取得共同銷售的現成行銷資產。

擴展業務。利用引述 Microsoft 主管的新聞稿和 Microsoft 社交頻道上的促銷,列名最佳化支援和地理擴展支援,開始推動成長。

填寫此表單以了解您的企業可用的 GTM Services。

l 決定您的發佈 Azure Marketplace 中的選項  Microsoft Docs


l Azure Marketplace 常見問題集  Microsoft Docs


我可以向 Azure 雲端解決方案提供者購買 Azure Marketplace 解決方案嗎?

A: 如果 「 發行者 」 已設定其供應項目可透過 CSP 通道,它可透過您的轉銷商。

我已將 Azure Marketplace 虛擬機器 (VM) 部署至訂用帳戶,而現在想要將此訂用帳戶從一個 Azure 帳戶移轉至另一個 Azure 帳戶。目前支援此做法嗎?

A: 若要移轉 Azure 訂用帳戶 (包括 Azure Marketplace VM 和服務),請先刪除或取消任何既有的 Azure 訂用帳戶,再關聯至新的 Azure 帳戶。 移轉完成之後,產生的使用費用會依新註冊帳戶的付款方法來計費。

Azure Marketplace 中有哪些國家/地區可讓發行者銷售產品?

A: 目前沒有台灣

下列國家/地區的發行者目前可以在 Azure Marketplace 銷售的:阿富汗、阿爾巴尼亞、阿爾及利亞、安哥拉、安地卡及巴布達、阿根廷、亞美尼亞、澳洲、奧地利、亞塞拜然、巴林、孟加拉、白俄羅斯、比利時、貝南、玻利維亞、波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納、波札那、巴西、保加利亞、布吉納法索、蒲隆地、柬埔寨、喀麥隆、加拿大、中非共和國、查德、智利、哥倫比亞、葛摩、剛果共和國、剛果民主共和國、哥斯大黎加、科特迪瓦 (象牙海岸)、克羅埃西亞、賽普勒斯、捷克共和國、丹麥、多米尼克、多明尼加、厄瓜多、埃及、薩爾瓦多、厄利垂亞、愛沙尼亞、衣索比亞、斐濟、芬蘭、法國、喬治亞、德國、迦納、希臘、瓜地馬拉、幾內亞、海地、宏都拉斯、香港特別行政區、匈牙利、冰島、印度、印尼、伊拉克、愛爾蘭、以色列、義大利、牙買加、日本、約旦、哈薩克、肯亞、南韓、科威特、寮國、拉脫維亞、黎巴嫩、賴比瑞亞、列支敦斯登、立陶宛、盧森堡、馬達加斯加、馬拉威、馬來西亞、馬利、馬爾他、模里西斯、墨西哥、摩納哥、蒙古、蒙特內哥羅、摩洛哥、莫三比克、尼泊爾、荷蘭、紐西蘭、尼加拉瓜、尼日、奈及利亞、挪威、阿曼、巴基斯坦、巴拿馬、巴拉圭、秘魯、菲律賓、波蘭、葡萄牙、卡達、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯、盧安達、沙烏地阿拉伯、塞內加爾、塞爾維亞、獅子山、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞、索馬利亞、南非、西班牙、斯里蘭卡、瑞典、瑞士、塔吉克、坦尚尼亞、泰國、東帝汶、多哥、東加、千里達及托巴哥、突尼西亞、土耳其、土庫曼、烏干達、烏克蘭、阿拉伯聯合大公國、英國、美國、烏拉圭、烏茲別克、委內瑞拉、越南、尚比亞、辛巴威。

發行者的常見問題集FAQ for publishers

Azure Marketplace 相關須知What you need to know about Azure Marketplace

什麼是 Azure MarketplaceWhat is Azure Marketplace?

Azure Marketplace 是線上應用程式和服務市集。Azure Marketplace is an online applications and services marketplace. 客戶 (大部分是 IT 專業人員和開發人員) 可以探索及購買以 Azure 建置或專為 Azure 建置的雲端軟體解決方案。Customers (mostly IT pros and developers) can discover, and buy cloud software solutions built with or for Azure. 其目錄陳列了 8,000 餘種品項,例如虛擬機器 (VM)、API、解決方案範本、SaaS 應用程式和諮詢服務供應項目等 Azure 建置組塊。Its catalog has over 8,000 listings, such as Azure building blocks like Virtual Machines (VMs), APIs, Solution Templates, SaaS applications, and consulting service offers.

Azure Marketplace 是與 Microsoft 共同舉辦各種 Go-To-Market 活動的起始點。Azure Marketplace is the starting point for all joint Microsoft Go-To-Market activities. 我們主要是要協助合作夥伴觸及更多客戶。We focus on helping partners to reach more customers. 您可以發佈新的清單,也可以使用 Azure Marketplace 進行促銷及創造需求活動,與 Microsoft 共同執行聯合銷售/行銷活動。You can publish new listings, and also use Azure Marketplace to conduct promotional and demand generation campaigns, perform joint sales/marketing activities with Microsoft.

誰是 Azure Marketplace 的客戶?Who are Azure Marketplace customers?

Azure Marketplace 適用於對商業 IT 軟體和服務感興趣的 IT 專業人員和雲端開發人員。Azure Marketplace is designed for IT professionals and cloud developers, interested in commercial IT software and services.

適用於發行者的 Azure MarketplaceAzure Marketplace for Publishers

為何要在 Azure Marketplace 上發佈應用程式,這樣做對我有何好處?Why should I publish my application on Azure Marketplace and how does it benefit me?

Azure Marketplace 提供了可讓 Microsoft 合作夥伴將產品與服務推廣並銷售給 Azure 客戶的市場。Azure Marketplace provides a market for Microsoft Partners to promote and sell products and services to Azure customers. 發行者可立即存取全球 140 個市場、超過 300,000 個合作夥伴,以及 Azure 的企業客戶網路。Publishers, instantly gain access to 140 global markets, our 300,000+ partners, and Azure’s network of enterprise customers. Marketplace 涵蓋了 90% 以上的財星前 500 大企業,和許多世界頂尖開發人員。The marketplace includes more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies and many of the world’s leading developers. 針對 Azure Marketplace 中的新合作夥伴,系統會自動提供一組免費的 Go-To-Market 權益,以提高其供應項目在 Azure Marketplace 中的能見度。New partners in Azure Marketplace are automatically offered a set of no-cost Go-To-Market benefits to help boost awareness of their offers in Azure’s marketplace.

Azure Marketplace AppSource 之間的區別因素為何?What is the differentiating factor between Azure Marketplace and AppSource?

Microsoft 合作夥伴可根據其目標受眾選擇發佈位置。Microsoft Partners can choose where to publish based on their target audience.

Microsoft 提供兩個不同的雲端市集店面 – Azure Marketplace 和 AppSource。Microsoft provides two distinct cloud marketplace storefronts – Azure Marketplace and AppSource. 這些店面可讓客戶尋找、試用及購買雲端應用程式和服務。These storefronts allow customers to find, try, and buy cloud applications and services. 每個店面可滿足獨特的客戶需求,並且可讓 Microsoft 合作夥伴根據目標受眾決定其解決方案或服務的定位。Each storefront serves unique customer needs and enables Microsoft Partners to target their solutions or services based on the target audience.

選取 Azure Marketplace,可將 IT 專業人員和開發人員或技術使用者作為目標受眾。Select Azure Marketplace to target IT professionals and developers, or technical users.

選取 AppSource,可將企業營運決策者和公司負責人作為目標受眾。Select AppSource to target line-of-business decision-makers and business owners.

如需 Azure Marketplace 和 AppSource 的詳細資料和優點,請檢閱發行者指南。Review the Publisher Guide for more details and benefits of Azure Marketplace and AppSource.

如何開始在 Azure Marketplace 中發佈?How do I begin to publish in Azure Marketplace?

若要開始在 Azure Marketplace 中陳列商品,請先檢閱 Azure Marketplace 發行者指南成為發行者。Start your Azure Marketplace listing by reviewing the Azure Marketplace Publisher Guide and Becoming a Publisher. 接著,請完成 Azure Marketplace 提名表單以提交您的應用程式。Next, submit your application by completing the Azure Marketplace Nomination Form.

我必須成為 Microsoft 合作夥伴網路 (MPN) 的成員,才能在 Azure Marketplace 中陳列應用程式和服務嗎?Do I have to be a member of the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) to list my applications and services in the Azure Marketplace?

是,必須是 MPN 才能在 Azure Marketplace 中發佈。Yes, an MPN is required to publish in Azure Marketplace. 請前往 Microsoft 合作夥伴網路開始進行。Visit Microsoft Partner Network to get started.

提交註冊以在 Azure Marketplace 中發佈之後,後續會有哪些流程?What should I expect after I submit my registration to publish in Azure Marketplace?

提交您的註冊之後,Marketplace 上架小組會進行檢閱,並在 1 到 3 個工作日內提供關於後續步驟的歡迎電子郵件。After submitting your registration, the marketplace onboarding team will review and provide a welcome email regarding the next steps within 1-3 business days.

要在 Azure Marketplace 中發佈解決方案有哪些條件?What is the criterion to publish a solution in Azure Marketplace?

若要在 Azure Marketplace 中發佈,合作夥伴必須證明其應用程式可在 Azure 上執行或加以擴充。To publish in Azure Marketplace, partners must demonstrate that their application runs on or extends Azure. 發行者必須為客戶提供服務等級協定隱私權原則、電話和線上支援。Publishers are required to provide customers with a Service Level Agreement, privacy policy, phone and online support. 不同的工作負載會有其他需求。Various workloads have additional requirements. 如需進一步指引,請檢閱 Azure Marketplace 參與原則發行者指南。Review the Azure Marketplace Participation Policies and Publisher Guide for further guidance.

Azure Marketplace 中發佈是否需要費用?Is there a fee to publish in Azure Marketplace?

透過 Azure Marketplace 上傳清單、試用版或 BYOL (自備授權) 時,不需要發佈費用。There are no publishing fees when uploading a List, Trial, or BYOL (Bring Your Own License) solution via Azure Marketplace.

透過 Azure Marketplace 購買商品是否需要任何交易費用?Are there any transaction fees for purchases through Azure Marketplace?

透過 Azure Marketplace 購買解決方案授權時,軟體授權收益由發行者與 Microsoft 拆分。When the solution license is purchased via Azure Marketplace, revenues for the software license are split between the publisher and Microsoft. 收益拆分方式以 Marketplace 發行者合約中的條款和條件為依據。This is done in accordance to the terms and conditions in the Marketplace Publisher Agreement. 此外,BYOL (自備授權) 的發行者解決方案不會產生任何交易費用。Additionally, solutions with BYOL (Bring Your Own License) publishers do not incur transaction fees.

什麼是標準的合約?What is a Standard Contract?

Microsoft 提供標準合約條款,讓客戶擁有簡化的採購及檢閱法律程序,若要利用,可以選取 「 發行者 」。Microsoft offers Standard Contract terms that a publisher can select to leverage, so that customers have a simplified procurement and legal review process.

何處可以找到整合應用程式與 Azure Active Directory (AAD) 的相關指導方針?Where do I find guidelines for integrating my application with Azure Active Directory (AAD)?

Microsoft 會使用 AAD 來驗證所有 Marketplace 使用者。Microsoft authenticates all Marketplace users with AAD. 您可以直接佈建到試用版,而不需要額外的登入步驟。You can be directly provisioned into a Trial without requiring an additional sign-in step. 例如,已驗證的使用者在點選 Marketplace 中列出的試用版後,即會重新導向至試用環境。For example, an authenticated user clicks through a Trial listing in Marketplace, and gets redirected to a Trial environment.

如需詳細資訊並開始啟用 AAD 的試用版,請造訪 發行者指南中的 Azure Active Directory 小節。For more information, and to get started enabling a trial with AAD, visit the Azure Active Directory section in the Publisher Guide.

如何開始進行開發人員中心註冊?How do I get started with Dev Center registration?

開始之前,發行者應確認他們尚未註冊開發人員中心帳戶 (以防止重複註冊)。To get started, publishers should verify that a Dev Center account has not already been registered (to prevent duplication). 確認之後,接著即應使用 Microsoft 帳戶登入以進行註冊,此作業與開發人員帳戶有關。Once confirmed, the next step is to register by signing in with a Microsoft account, which will be associated with the developer account.

如果您還沒有 Microsoft 帳戶,您可以建立帳戶 (例如:contoso_marketplace@live.com)。If you don’t already have a Microsoft account, you can create an account (For example: contoso_marketplace@live.com).

為何需要開發人員中心帳戶?Why is Dev Center account required?

必須要有開發人員中心帳戶,Microsoft 才能代表發行者向客戶收取交易清單類型的費用。A Dev Center account is required to enable Microsoft to bill customers on the publisher’s behalf for Transact listing types. 開發人員中心帳戶註冊可讓 Microsoft 驗證法律、稅務和銀行相關資訊。Dev Center account registration enables Microsoft to validate the legal, tax, and banking information. 如需詳細資訊,請參閱在開發人員中心註冊。For more information, see register in Dev Center.

哪些發行者必須進行開發人員中心帳戶註冊?Which publishers require a Dev Center account registration?

發佈交易清單類型的發行者:VM、Azure 應用程式、解決方案範本和受控應用程式。Publishers who are publishing Transact listing types: VM, Azure apps, solution templates, and managed apps.

什麼是潛在客戶?作為 Marketplace 中的發行者,潛在客戶對我而言有何重要性?What are leads and why are they important to me as a publisher in Marketplace?

潛在客戶是從 Marketplace 部署您產品的客戶。Leads are customers who are deploying your products from the Marketplace. 無論您的產品是列在 Azure Marketplace 還是 AppSource,您都可以獲得對您的產品感興趣的潛在客戶。Whether your product is listed on Azure Marketplace or AppSource, you are able to receive leads from customers who are interested in your product. 您可以設定供應項目的潛在客戶目的地。You can set up lead destination on your offer. 若要深入了解,請成為雲端市集發行者。To learn more, see Become a Cloud Marketplace Publisher.

可以在哪裡取得設定我潛在客戶目的地的說明?Where can I get help in setting up my lead destination?

經由 Cloud Partner 入口網站 – 獲得潛在客戶了解詳細資訊,或選取供應項目類型及潛在客戶管理,以透過 https://aka.ms/marketplacepublishersupport 提交支援票證。Learn more in Cloud Partner Portal-Get Customer Leads documentation, or submit a support ticket through https://aka.ms/marketplacepublishersupport by selecting your offer type and lead management.

我是否必須設定潛在客戶目的地,才能在 Marketplace 上發佈供應項目?Am I required to configure a lead destination to publish an offer on Marketplace?

是,如果要發佈與我連絡SaaS 應用程式諮詢服務供應項目,您必須設定潛在客戶目的地。Yes, if publishing a Contact Me, SaaS app, or consulting services offer you are required to configure a lead destination.

如何確認潛在客戶設定是否正確?How can I confirm that the lead configuration is correct?

完成供應項目並設定潛在客戶目的地之後,即可將陳列商品適當地發佈在 Cloud Partner 入口網站中。After completing the offer and setting up a lead destination, the listing can properly be published in the Cloud Partner Portal. 陳列商品上架之前,您可以驗證潛在客戶組態設定是否正確運作。Before the listing goes live, you can validate if the lead configuration set-up is working correctly. 請將測試潛在客戶傳送至您在供應項目中設定的潛在客戶目的地。



發佈留言必須填寫的電子郵件地址不會公開。 必填欄位標示為 *