1.2 Billing engine (2)

【Capability Question】

Will the system outlined above be an internally developed tool or a 3rd party solution?




【Current State】

Internal development tools: Weblink MIS in cooperation with outsourced system developers.


由 MIS Software Develop Team 撰寫程式並透過 Partner Center API 擷取相關訂閱與計費資訊,並轉導至既有 ERP,讓收費作業自動化

【Future State (if applicable)】

we plan to modify this automatic billing system so that end users, dealers, and Weblink can query their billing information through this system to reduce the use of paper.


未來希望修改此自動計費系統,讓終端用戶、經銷商、Weblink 均能透過此系統查詢各自的計費資訊,減少紙張的使用

【List of supporting evidence】

1.2-B01_MIS Partner Center API 程式撰寫畫面 (缺)




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