1.2 Billing engine (1)

【Capability Question】

Do you/will you have an automated Billing System in place to enable CSP Services?




【Current State】

Reseller can add new customers at any time and place orders, renewals and purchases, can also query usage, costs, have abnormal usage warning notices, and can remind customers/reseller to renew by mail before the subscription expires


經銷商能隨時新增客戶並下單、續約與增購,也能查詢使用量、費用,具備使用量異常示警通知,並且能在訂閱到期前 mail 提醒客戶/經銷商進行續約

【Future State (if applicable)】

We plan to transfer the on-premise solution to Azure Cloud Solutions in conjunction with ISV Partner, and achieve Auto-provision jobs through the Azure Portal API, API Management and JSON


未來希望能將結合 ISV Partner 將 on-premise 解決方案移轉成為 Azure Cloud Solutions,並透過 Azure Portal API、API Management 與 JSON 達成 Auto-provision 作業

【List of supporting evidence】

1.2-A01_Weblink Billing System Demo.mp4


1.2-A02_Publish existing systems to the Azure marketplace.pdf

1.2-A02_Publish existing systems to the Azure marketplace.pdf.pdf


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