1.4 Consulting resources

【Capability Question】

Do you have dedicated technical resources who can support your CSP solutions or services described in tab 1.1?

If yes, please describe the team capability in detail – e.g. Internal vs external resources, Microsoft certifications, training plans, specializms, etc.


您是否有專門的技術資源可以支援選項卡 1.1 中描述的 CSP 解決方案或服務?

如果是,請詳細描述團隊能力 – 例如,內部與外部資源,Microsoft認證,培訓計劃,專業等。


【Current State】

1.1 service items
◆ Mail Migration services to help resellers/customers move the on-premise mail system (or Google Mail) to Exchange online

◆ Weblink Cloud Support Team will add domains for customers, install AADconnect for account password synchronization, assign authorization and other pre-jobs, then use 3rd party Migration Tools for mail migration, and finally complete DNS changes and Outlook profile changes
◆Mail、One driver pro、Sharepoint online backup solution to help resellers and users backup M365 data

◆ The backup solution can be set and scheduled directly through the 3rd party Migration Control website
◆ Paperless sign-off process solution to help resellers/customers achieve paperless electronic sign-off through Adobe Sign integration Teams and Sharepoint online

◆ The paperless sign-off process is planned and set up by weblink Cloud Support Team and Weblink Adobe Support Engineer (the company is the exclusive agent of Adobe in Taiwan) for customers
◆ The IoT Central Education Training Pack solutions to help academic units understand how to use IoT and build dashboards in IoT Centra

◆ The IoT Central Education Training Pack solutions are provided by the 3rd party IoT device vendor and are configured for live cabling and sersor installation, and the IoT Central settings are set by the Weblink Cloud Support Team for customers
◆ Power Apps import service assists dealers/customers in digital transformation

◆ Power Apps import service assistance by Weblink Cloud Support Team and MIS Develop team to assist customers in development and setup

◆ Azure Virtual Desktop Build Services assist resellers/customers in quickly setting up an action office during the Covid 19 pandemic
◆ Azure Virtual Desktop is designed by Weblink Cloud Support Team to assist customers in planning and setting up



Microsoft certifications → 1.4 / UserSkillsReport.csv

specializms → 1.4 / specializms.jpg

training plans → Technical Training.jpg



1.1 service items
◆Mail Migration services to help 轉銷商/客戶將 on-premise 郵件系統 (or Google Mail) 移轉至 Exchange online
◆Mail、One driver pro、Sharepoint online backup solution to help 轉銷商/客戶 backup M365 data
◆無紙化簽核流程 solution to help 轉銷商/客戶透過 Adobe Sign 整合 Teams 和 Sharepoint online 達成無紙化電子簽核
◆IoT Central 教育訓練包 solutions to help 學術單位了解如何使用 IoT 並在 IoT Centra 建立 dashboard
◆Power Apps 導入服務協助轉銷商/客戶進行數位轉型
◆Azure Virtual Desktop 建置服務協助轉銷商/客戶在 Covid 19 疫情期間迅速建置行動辦公室


◆由 Weblink Cloud Support Team 為客戶進行網域新增、安裝 AADconnect 進行帳號密碼同步、指派授權等前置作業、再使用 3rd party Migration Tools 進行郵件遷移,最後完成 DNS 異動與 Outlook profile 變更
◆backup solution 可直接透過 3rd party Migration Control website 進行設定與排程作業
◆無紙化簽核流程由 Weblink Cloud Support Team 與 Weblink Adobe Support Engineer (本公司為 Adobe 台灣獨家代理商) 攜手為客戶進行規劃與設定
◆IoT Central 教育訓練包 solutions 由 3rd party IoT device vendor 提供並進行現場佈線與 sersor 裝設,IoT Central 設定則由 Weblink Cloud Support Team 為客戶進行設定
◆Power Apps 導入服務協助由 Weblink Cloud Support Team 與 MIS Develop team 共同協助客戶開發與設定
◆Azure Virtual Desktop 建置服務由 Weblink Cloud Support Team 協助客戶進行規劃與設定

Microsoft certifications → 1.4 / UserSkillsReport.csv
specializms → 1.4 / specializms.jpg
training plans → Technical Training.jpg


【List of supporting evidence】

【CSP 2T annual assessment evidence files】folder


1.4-A03_Technical Training Plan.jpg

1.4-A03_Technical Training Plan.jpg

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